Services We Offer


We offer assessment services for children ages 6 to 16:
- Intellectual Assessment. This includes testing level of intellect, areas of cognitive strength and weakness, and whether children qualify for possible membership in Mensa or Davidson Young Scholars.
- Achievement Testing. This includes testing levels of educational attainment in reading, math, spelling, and written expression. Such testing can pinpoint areas of advancement, areas of weakness, and possible learning disabilities.
- Screening for Twice-Exceptionality. This includes using parent, teacher, and self-report measures as well as observations during interactions with your child to determine the possibility to ADHD, ASD, anxiety, or depression.

We offer consultation services:
- Review of past evaluations to help parents interpret findings, determine what questions the previous evaluation raised that were not answered and to determine ways to answer those questions to most benefit the gifted child.
- Interviews of young children and parents to determine enrichment, possible resources for advancement to look for, and discussion of signs of possible giftedness and/or disability, in children under age six.
- How to approach a school to ask for acceleration and enrichment for children who are advanced beyond grade level curriculum.
- Issues of homeschooling.

Short-Term Parent Counseling
Up to 10 sessions around particular parenting issues including providing enrichment, dealing with giftedness, finding friends, dealing with mild behavior problems related to giftedness, and school-related issues.
General Information
All services, at this time, are conducted virtually using secure HIPAA compliant platforms.
Due to licensing laws, for the current year, 2023, assessment services will require you to be physically present in either RI or MA where I am licensed at the time of the testing. Consultation services about behavioral issues or 2e consultation, as well as short term counseling services also require adhering to these licensing laws. Consultation about giftedness, enrichment and homeschooling do not require this physical presence. Once RI’s PSYPACT law is effective after July 1, 2023 and e-passports are issued, services can be extended to other states also in PSYPACT.
Prior to the time of service, forms will be emailed using a secure email and may be returned via that same email. Once forms are received, an appointment will be made. If the appointment is not kept, a $50 fee will be charged.
For assessment and consultation appointments additional forms will be sent either by secure email or via US mail (depending on the forms), which will need to be returned.
Expected costs will be determined for the first appointment and will be estimated after that appointment for the duration of service. Fees are payable at the time of service via credit card, including for the initial visit.
For assessment and consultation services, health insurance will not cover the costs. This is due to the requirement for medical necessity, preauthorization, and a medical diagnosis.
We currently participate only with Blue Cross of Rhode Island, and they provide limited coverage for assessment of twice exceptionality. They do not cover testing for any educational purposes.
Because we do not participate with other insurance providers, payment for services is required at the time of service. We can provide a superbill for parents to submit to your insurance to see if they cover the costs of twice exceptional screenings, provided there is a resulting medical ICD-10 diagnosis.
Due to HIPAA laws regarding confidentiality of health care information, please do not send us any unsolicited information about your child via our general email. Our general email is not encrypted and is at risk for being hacked. If you wish to inquire about our services, please contact us via our phone number (401-421-3426) or ask us, via our general email, to send you a link for our secure email.
For assessment and consultation services, health insurance will not cover the costs. This is due to the requirement for medical necessity, preauthorization, and a medical diagnosis.
We currently participate only with Blue Cross of Rhode Island, and they provide limited coverage for assessment of twice exceptionality. They do not cover testing for any educational purposes.
Because we do not participate with other insurance providers, payment for services is required at the time of service. We can provide a superbill for parents to submit to your insurance to see if they cover the costs of twice exceptional screenings, provided there is a resulting medical ICD-10 diagnosis.