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Books for Children

This list consists of both old favorites and newer titles. This book list is by no means an exhaustive exploration of current children’s literature. It is a compilation of books that might be enjoyed by gifted children and teens. 

In recommending books on the list consideration was given to appropriateness of topic for various ages of gifted children. For many gifted children, what to read can be a real issue. While reading several to many years above age level, many books at gifted children’s reading level may contain too much violence, sexual content, complicated themes, and life events that the gifted child may not yet be ready to experience. Just because a child can read something does not mean they ought to do so. For example, books that refer to violence, and sexual content may be too advanced in thematic content for your young child. In addition, many books at age and grade level can be enjoyed even if they are below reading level. 

This list has tried to feature a variety of books from different racial and cultural groups. Books are grouped by approximate emotional maturity level. The suggested age level for books on this list is NOT mental age. Thus, the levels for the books listed here are meant to be for gifted children of that chronological age group. Those appropriate for the category “children” can be read by anybody in any age group but those listed for teens, should not be read by younger children whatever their reading level, unless the parent has preread the book and has deemed it appropriate for their child. 

This list is for parents and is not intended to be handed to the child. Please preview the books you select by reading reviews on Amazon or Barnes and Noble or other book sites before selecting books for your child.