About Us
Who We Are
Directed by Deirdre V. Lovecky, Ph.D.

Located in Providence. RI, the Gifted Resource Center of New England has been offering services to gifted children for more than 30 years. As a clinical child psychologist licensed in RI and MA, my interests are in identifying gifted children and helping parents explore the cognitive, educational, social, and emotional issues found with these unique children. I am especially interested in gifted children’s needs for increased complex stimulation, materials that support their need for abstraction and challenge, as well their more intense emotional and social needs.
Highly, exceptionally, and profoundly gifted children are of particular interest. I have assessed more than 300 children over IQ 150. These children have specialized academic, social, and emotional needs that are different from those of other gifted children. Even those gifted programs that might meet the needs of gifted children with less extreme IQs, are less likely to fit these children. Thus, parent consultation to help ascertain what would best work with each child’s unique set of strengths and weaknesses is offered by the GRCNE.
Gifted children who are twice exceptional – gifted with a disability, need services focused on both their giftedness and their disability. At the GRCNE, I have offered such services for more than 30 years to children with ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorders, anxiety, and depressive disorders, and learning differences. I am often struck by the different ways that these children show their giftedness, despite their struggles, and by how their ability to compensate, especially in earlier years can mask disabilities.
Research and writing are an important part of the work at the GRCNE. I have participated in the National Association of Gifted Children Task Force White papers on assessing gifted children. Also, with the Gifted Development Center in CO as well as other testing centers around the country, I participated with Pearson Publishing Company in developing the Extended Norms for the WISC-IV and the Expanded and Extended Norms for the WISC-V. In addition to many articles and chapters listed elsewhere on this website, I have completed the Second Edition of Different Minds: Gifted Children with ADHD, ASD, and Other Dual Exceptionalities, published June 2023.